Friday, November 11, 2011

string program in C

 Write a program that accepts two strings.
 * the program checks whether the second word is present anywhere in any word.
 * it the word is found then it prints the word from second string.
 * An example could be:
 * Input : 
 * Entr first string: this is a iss thiss. al a/
 * Enter second string: is
 * output: this is iss thiss.

 * File:   main.c
 * Author: umang
 * Created on November 11, 2011, 3:08 PM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define true 0
#define false 1

//int main(int argc, char** argv)

void main()

    char arr[100] = {'\0'}; // initialize whole array

    char word[10] = {'\0'};

    int i, j, temp;

    int b = false;
    printf("Enter string: ");

    printf("Enter word: ");
    for (i = 0; arr[i] != '\0'; i++)

        temp = i;
        b = false;
        for (j = 0; word[j] != NULL && arr[j + i] != NULL; j++)

            if (word[j] != arr[i + j])

                b = true;

        if (b == false)

            if (arr[i + j] != ' ')

                while (arr[i + j] != ' ' && arr[i + j] != NULL)


            while (arr[temp] != ' ' && temp >= 0)

                if (temp < 0)
                    temp = 0;

            if (temp != 0)

            for (; arr[temp] != ' ' && arr[temp] != NULL; temp++)

                printf("%c", arr[temp]);

            printf(" ");

            i = temp;
    //return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
// input
// this a te is thisi is. t
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